The gap between happiness and unhappiness is widening. The reasons are multiple – increasing gap due to income, political polarization, or addiction to technology. 

Everyone is striving to be happy, be it through materialistic things or purpose in life. 

So what is happiness? 

As per Oxford Dictionary, it is, ‘The state of pleasurable contentment of mind; deep pleasure in or contentment with one’s circumstances.’

According to me, it is, “Being happy is not having everything in your life or having everything perfect, but it’s about bringing small joys in life together.”

Small joys in life add up to leading a content, meaningful life. Also, truly happy people are: 

  • More successful
  • More generous     
  • Have less Stress
  • Have better relationships
  • Lead healthier lives
  • Live longer lives

Happiness is life’s most crucial aspect, which everyone should experience.

So are you happy and satisfied with your life?

Take this Satisfaction with Life questionnaire and see your Happiness Index with your life.

Below are five statements that you may agree or disagree with. Using the 1-7 scale below, indicate your agreement with each item by placing the appropriate number on the line following it. 

7 = Strongly agree
6 = Agree
5 = Slightly agree
4 = Neither agree nor disagree
3 = Slightly disagree
2 = Disagree
1 = Strongly disagree

And now, with the statements, you need to indicate your agreement with:


1. The existing conditions in my life are marvelous
2. My life is close to perfect
3. I am completely content with my life
4. So far, I have achieved most of the things in my life
5. Given a second chance with my life, I would change nothing

Total Score

Now, total up all the scores, and check the total against the remarks presented below.

Total score will range from 5 – 35


5 – 9 – Extremely Dissatisfied with life
10-14 – Dissatisfied with life
15-19 – Slightly Dissatisfied with life
20 – Neutral
21-25 – Slight satisfaction with life
26-30 – Satisfaction with Life
31-35 – Extremely Satisfied with Life

Calculate your Happiness Index today and see where you stand. Start your journey to understanding what you are missing in life and what you want to achieve to make it a meaningful life.

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