Powerful session to bring out Happiness!!!
I was so lost in my daily work that I never realised that I have a present too. I was not living in the present but always focussed on the future. When I took your class, I realised how much less time I am giving to myself and my family and how much I am losing every day in my life. I was consumed with my daily stress, fatigue, tension & I didn’t know how to handle the pressure and how to relax myself.

You took class only for 3 days but in those 3 days I have felt that there is more to my life apart from the assignments that we do and we should also take care of ourselves in timely manner.

You helped me to clear out my thoughts, to burn away my weaknesses and relax my mind.A very informative and helpful session of life which taught me that we should have our ‘why’ and we should be clear about it, why we want to do something and what impact it will make. It helped me to know myself in a better way and what I should do to pave my way to lead a successful life. I will try my best to follow at least half of the things and increase them gradually in future.

Thank you so much Shruti for guiding us so beautifully!

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