Tripod of Happiness

Tripod of Happiness

Various elements contribute towards happiness. It can be money, cars, clothes, jewelry, passion, purpose, meaning, or positive emotion. Each individual will have a different sense or element which can make him/her happy. In my opinion, the three elements or TRIPODS of HAPPINESS are – Breath Sleep Mind Why these three elements? 1. Breath – did you know according to the…

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Will to Happiness

Will to Happiness

The gap between happiness and unhappiness is widening. The reasons are multiple – increasing gap due to income, political polarization, or addiction to technology.  Everyone is striving to be happy, be it through materialistic things or purpose in life.  So what is happiness?  As per Oxford Dictionary, it is, ‘The state of pleasurable contentment of mind; deep pleasure in or…

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The Secret Recipe to Happiness

The Secret Recipe to Happiness

What are the sources of Happiness? Human psychology is weird or, should I say, shallow. One would think winning a prestigious award, or finally owning your dream car, or getting the much-awaited raise would make you happy long term. NO. Although the thrill lasts for some time but not very long. It makes us happy for some time, but we…

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